Celebration Sunday: How John Met Jesus ("How I Met Jesus" Series Intro.)

How I Met Jesus  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  13:37
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Evangelism, Gospel, Jesus, Stories, Testimonies, Trinity,

 Whitehorse Baptist Church "HOW I MET JESUS" "HOW JOHN MET JESUS" (John 1:1-5 & 9-14) HOW I MET JESUS SERIES INTRO. OUTLINE STYLE: INDUCTIVE-DEDUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION: 1. (SLIDE 1) HOW JOHN MET JESUS a) John and his brother left their trade / livelihood to follow Jesus. b) Later in life, John writes his Gospel account. TEACHING: 2. (SLIDE 2-3) JOHN 1:1-5 & JOHN 1:9-14 Ø John's words lead us to a critical question: "Is Jesus God?" 3. (SLIDE 4) IS JESUS GOD? a) In The Beginning there was Trinity. i) Easton's Bible Dictionary: Trinity Ø "...the doctrine of the unity of God as subsisting in three distinct Persons...the Father is a distinct divine Person, distinct from the Son and the Holy Spirit...Jesus Christ was truly God, and yet was a Person distinct from the Father and the Holy Spirit...the Holy Spirit is also a distinct divine Person." b) (SLIDE 5) The Historical Record i) Jesus & The Crucifixion is the easy part. ii) The Resurrection is the difficulty. Ø No body found by authorities and hundreds of witnesses. c) (SLIDE 6) What if the Resurrection is truth? i) This begins a series of events in our hearts and minds. Ø The Biblical accounts are truth and John's words are truth! Ø (SLIDE 7) Verse 12 is truth. "...to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God..." APPLICATION & CONCLUSION: 4. (SLIDE 8) INVITATION 5. (VIDEO) "COME AWAKE" (IgniterMedia.com) 6. (SLIDE 9) BAPTISMS
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